For driving schools
You can help your students request an interpreter. If you would like to request an interpreter for your student, you can do so using the same procedure as the candidates. You provide the student’s personal details but submit your email address so we can send the confirmation to you. When applying, you must also immediately pay via the platforms offered.
It is not permitted to submit a request for student A and then change it to candidate B at the last minute. You should only request exams from the CBR and interpreters if your student is ‘ready’ for them.
Driving schools must also request interpreter services at least 14 days prior to the exam. We do not accept requests at shorter notice.
If you would like to report a minor change, for example, due to an exam moving to a later time or to correct a date of birth, you can inform us of this up to 72 hours prior to the exam without incurring any charges from us.
Remind your students that they will be given the opportunity at the beginning of the exam to ensure that they properly understand the interpreter and feel comfortable with them.